Denise Cruz-Castino

Denise Cruz-Castino

“When you write a script, then you move on to the next. I’ve met young writers who reach out to me on Stage 32. ‘I finished a first script!’ and I’m like, ‘That’s awesome,  what are you working on next? ‘Oh, no, no, no, this is the one, and I’m only doing this one.’ Well that’s cool and I’m glad you are doing something with it, but do you have any other ideas?”

Welcome back to Nothing Shines Like Dirt. Episode 57. Elise and Lesley sit down with Denise Cruz-Castino and discuss her film 5 Weddings, which premiered at Cannes International Film Festival, the League of Women Writers, and Dangerous encounters in India. 

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Denise Cruz-Castino has sold a live action short to Disney, her first feature 5 Weddings premiered at Cannes in 2018 and will play worldwide October 26th, 2018. Her horror short was produced by Raving Eejit Entertainment, and her short, Things Look Grim, was produced by Sasha Golberg. She’s currently writing and co-producing a WW2 movie with Academy Award producer Kim Magnuson and Neil Machlis. Her blog that helps newbie screenwriters, screenwriterwriting.blogspot, was named Website of the Week by Script Magazine. Her scripts have placed in Final Draft Big Break, Fade-In Screenwriting and Nicholl’s Fellowship contests.